
Giving church members opportunities for
imagination, creativity, connection, innovation, and deep faithfulness.

Park Center Pathways introductory classes are intended for congregational-based learning in a small group setting.  This model provides laity facilitation strategies and encourages cohort learning with deep dives into tough topics.  Each class session has videos or podcasts with accompanying handouts that are designed for education, formation and ultimately… transformation.  

Questions like “what is the difference between believing in God and believing in the Bible?” are asked of the groups with an intentional focus on reflection, followed with specific ways to live-out what was learned with a “pathways to practice”.  With each class session, supplemental materials are also provided for participants to go home to learn more about specific topics that were mentioned during class.  The idea is for one to go as deep as they wish and it’s all provided through Park Center Pathways.

Park Center Pathways Classes

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